Starting A New Team

I recently moved from the county I competed with and am currently coaching to a neighboring county. The county I’m now in doesn’t have a Horse Bowl team in their 4-H Horse and Pony Project. However, some youth members and parents seem to have interest is starting a team. I told them I was more than happy to help with coaching, but recently took a look at my schedule and found out that I am unable to attend the competition day due to an extremely important family event happening that day. With paper work being due within the next four weeks, another leader and I discussed that we just start with getting a team together this year for next year as that leader also cannot attend. One parent did say that they would be willing to take a team being a previous agriculture teacher, but is also leading a ton of other stuff and is just starting to get involved with the Horse and Pony Project (kid has been in the project for about three years but they had a hard time figuring everything out and how to get involved and showing). Being that I’m new to the county makes it hard to start a team as I don’t know how to contact any of the members/parents. This county is also set up a bit different from the one I just moved from where there are a lot more meetings and they are youth lead, which is not how my previous county was. It also seems as though they do a lot more at the State level which holds bigger events with youth from the entire state instead of just the county. They are definitely putting together a lot more for youth to do than my previous county and is super focused on the education side of things. It’s also nice that I only moved one county over and am possibly going to be helping both teams next year so we could do a few practices with both counties teams for added fun. I will post more updates as they happen. Hopefully I’ll be able to get a team put together for next year.