Meetings depend on how a county decides to run their teams. Our team meets once a week (Fridays) and at a consistent time (6pm-7pm). Each member has a binder of questions they are given for studying and are added to a Google Classroom. Our Classroom includes slideshows for identification practicing, all age division practice questions, and links to other studying sites such as Quizlet with sections made by other horse bowl individuals or members of our team (and of course other random ones which are inaccurate to the sourced/scientific information). Each week we have a different section of topic questions to study, like homework for school, just all about horses. Some members (like myself) find other ways to study. I personally search for national or other state questions that have been posted. On the downside of studying this way, I don’t always know the same information as my teammates, but in the long run sometimes there are questions that are strange to the rest of the team that I have studied. The good thing about all of us learning differently though is that together we know a lot more and we don’t always know what each other know, so that weird question that no other team knows might still be covered by a team member. Also at meetings, because our team is really anywhere from 1-4 teams we split up into groups based on our competing level. One station is practice games, another is open questions out of one of the binders (fit for the age division), and the third is practice matching boards (great for hippology practice), if we don’t use the boards we use the slide shows on the Google Classroom. The most important things about our meetings is that one, it’s fun, we can joke around a little bit here and there (as long as we can refocus pretty quick) and two, we’re comfortable talking to each other. Some members maybe a little quiet in the beginning, but encourage them to just give it a try once in a while and don’t make a big deal if they don’t know the answer or what you’re talking about. And Always do your best to help explain question members are stuck on. You could try turning it into a game with the different sources to see who can find the description first to explain to the rest of the group.